Saturday, October 12, 2013

Walking Zombies

Mark Dice is a media analyst, political activist, and author who likes to cause trouble for the New World Order, Big Brother, and the elite Illuminati scumbags. Check out his books in paperback on, or ebooks on Kindle, Nook, iBooks or Google Play.

You can subscribe to his channel on YouTube.

Mark makes many points in his many videos but today we are taking a look at, "Man on the Street Interviews" and learning just how many walking 'zombies' there are. Watch out, they're in a town near you!

Zombies signing a petition to repel the Bill of Rights:

Zombies not knowing why we celebrate the 4th of July!

Zombies not knowing what DC stands for in Washington DC!

HA! How prefect is this picture? A remote control zombie, how ironic.

Come on people, WAKE UP!

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